Games related to the company544

z filtrem
wszystkie gry
Data ▾ A-Z ▴
2013 68% Trials Evolution: Gold Edition
2003 79% TRON 2.0
2010 46% TRON: Evolution - The Video Game [ТРОН: Эволюция]
2009 Tudors: Hidden Object Adventure, The [Тюдоры]
2008 55% Turok
2007 UFO: Extraterrestrials
2006 Ugly Prince Duckling, The
2008 Ultimate Band
2011 77% UnEpic
2012 69% Unmechanical
2007 78% Unreal Tournament 3
2009 Up: The Video Game [Вверх]
2009 63% Velvet Assassin
2010 Веселые котята
2009 Virtual Families [Идеальная семья]
2008 Virtual Villagers: Chapter 3 - The Secret City [Робинзоны: Затерянный город]
2009 80% Void, The
2008 W.I.T.C.H. [W.I.T.C.H. Чародейки]
2013 34% Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, The [Walking Dead. Инстинкт выживания, The]
2006 72% Warhammer: Mark of Chaos [Warhammer: Печать Хаоса]
2008 Warhammer: Mark of Chaos - Battle March [Warhammer: Печать Хаоса. Марш разрушения]
2008 Warriors Orochi
2009 Warriors: Street Brawl, The [Уличные бойцы. Бей первым!]
2009 Watchmen: The End Is Nigh - Parts 1 and 2
2008 Water Horse: Legend of the Deep, The [Мой домашний динозавр]
2009 Weekend Party Fashion Show [Шопоголик]
2009 55% Wheelman [Вин Дизель. Wheelman]
2006 Wildlife Park 2
2007 83% Witcher, The
2008 84% Witcher: Enhanced Edition, The
2009 Wolfgang Hohlbein's The Inquisitor [Инквизитор: Тайна мертвого города]
2010 Wolfschanze 2
2005 World Rally
2009 73% Worms 2: Armageddon
1999 82% X: Beyond the Frontier
2000 X-Tension
2003 74% X2: The Threat
2011 X3: Albion Prelude
2005 80% X3: Reunion [X3: Воссоединение 2.0]
2008 83% X3: Terran Conflict
2009 Замочи слизняков!
2009 70% Zeno Clash
2012 ЗИЛ: Грузовой автокросс
2009 Zombilution [Зомбилюция]

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Ogólne informacje o firmie

Current names Новый Диск [aktualnie] Noviy Disk [aktualnie]
Marka ND Games
Status Aktywny od 1997 [>26 years]
Kraj działalności Rosja [Siedziba główna]
Strona internetowa Official

Ocena firmy 68%

Średnia ocena gier w czasie
Wszystkie 68%
3 most recent games 71%
10 most recent games 70%

Gry według platformy

Liczba gier i podział według platform
529 82%
38 6%
36 6%
11 2%
6 <1%
6 <1%
6 <1%
4 <1%
3 <1%
2 <1%
2 <1%
1 <1%
1 <1%
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