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SNK Electronics Corporation

Games related to the company42

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2012 SAR: Search and Rescue
1997 King of Fighters '97, The
1997 King of Fighters '97, The
2011 Ozma Wars
1987 Psycho Soldier
1998 King of Fighters '98, The
1998 King of Fighters '98, The
1987 Athena
1987 Athena
2004 King of Fighters '94, The
1998 Last Blade, The
1994 Street Hoop
1994 Street Hoop
1997 Twinkle Star Sprites
1996 Magical Drop 2
1991 Puzzled [I/1991]
1991 Magician Lord
1994 Zed Blade
1991 Robo Army
1999 Last Blade 2, The
1999 Last Blade 2, The
1994 Spinmaster
1997 Magical Drop 3
1997 Magical Drop 3
1997 Magical Drop 3
1993 Sengoku 2
1994 Windjammers
2000 SNK Gals Fighters
2000 SNK Gals Fighters
1999 Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage
1999 Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage
2000 Metal Slug: 2nd Mission
2000 King of Fighters 2000, The
1999 Fatal Fury: First Contact
2000 Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny, The
1999 Metal Slug: 1st Mission
1999 SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
1999 SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
1999 SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
1986 Ikari Warriors
1986 Ikari Warriors
2000 Metal Slug 3
2000 Metal Slug 3
1996 Super Vehicle-001: Metal Slug
1995 King of Fighters '95, The [I/1995]
1992 Art of Fighting
2001 Sengoku 3
1991 Sengoku [I/1991]
1996 Samurai Shodown 4: Amakusa's Revenge
1996 Samurai Shodown 4: Amakusa's Revenge
1994 Samurai Shodown 2
1994 Samurai Shodown 2
1995 Samurai Shodown 3: Blades of Blood
1995 Samurai Shodown 3: Blades of Blood
1993 Samurai Shodown [I/1993]
1993 Samurai Shodown [I/1993]
1991 Burning Fight
1999 66% Metal Slug X
1999 66% Metal Slug X
1981 72% Pac-Man

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Ogólne informacje o firmie

Current names SNK Corporation [aktualnie] SNK Electronics Corporation [firmowe]
Założona Lipiec 1978
Status Zlikwidowany od 295 października 2001 [>23 years]
Kraj działalności Japonia [Siedziba główna]

Ocena firmy 69%

Średnia ocena gier w czasie
Wszystkie 69%

Gry według platformy

Liczba gier i podział według platform
28 11%
20 8%
19 8%
19 8%
18 7%
17 7%
16 6%
16 6%
11 4%
9 4%
9 4%
8 3%
7 3%
5 2%
5 2%
3 1%
3 1%
3 1%
3 1%
3 1%
3 1%
3 1%
2 <1%
2 <1%
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